Prepping for My Thanksgiving Table

Edgey tablesetting, gold rim glass dinnerware

Edgey Tablesetting

Annie & Family on Thanksgiving dinner

The image above is not Thanksgiving.

Why do I never do this? After all the many Thanksgiving dinners I have hosted, cooked, shopped, cleaned and set a pretty great table for, I find myself close to two weeks out from the holiday completely unprepared.

As I look over my variety of Annieglass and decide what to use for Thanksgiving, even I have pieces missing. How is that possible? I have a warehouse full of it... some people think I have warehouse of it at home too. When a contractor saw my kitchen shelves full of it for the first time, he asked if I did catering. “How many people live here? Is this a bed and breakfast?” See if he gets invited to Thanksgiving.

It seems like I’m always missing something when I go to set the table. I recommend checking out what you need for your table now. Where do all the little cheese spreaders go? Mine go to the farthest reaches of the back of a drawer, safe from being found until the next holiday.

We have these items perfect for serving up Thanksgiving, available in our Watsonville retail store.


At my house, we always have a good laugh when a new guest comes wandering into the kitchen saying, “We’re out of plates!” I just open a cabinet door or two and smile at the look on their faces. 

One of my dear friends always likes to joke about what Annieglass she needs for her table whenever she sits down to dinner at my house. She looks each piece over like she is shopping and says she brought an extra big purse this time. I threaten to pat her down before she leaves. I tell her that I don’t think this is normal, she counters with telling me next time she’ll wears pants with an elastic waist so she can steal the plates faster.

Someone that funny always has a place at my table, even with the sticky fingers!

I wish you a happy, healthy and as-much-as-possible stress-free Thanksgiving. It matters more who is at the table than what is on it. 

- Annie